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Saturday, 2 July 2011


In the bitter battle to get its hands on raw materials that engage the states in the current era of globalization, the DRC, because full of these materials while its elite does not seem aware of the issue, still running the risk of being victim and loser of angry confrontations in perspective.
Increasingly, the world has become multipolar. The restructuring of the international card is no longer an illusion. It is now lived in daily life. Beware of nations that pretend to forget. The coming war for resources is the prelude to the great battle of economic crisis. Countries like the DRC, well endowed with natural resources, are on the line of sight. But are the Congolese elites conscious? That is the problem.

The international financial crisis of 2008 helped to reshape the world by moving the center of control of the international economy. If, for a long time, it is the West that has always ruled over the world, it is no longer the case. Now the lines have moved significantly on the international stage, so that even the very exclusive cartel comprising the eight most industrialized countries of the world - the G8 - was forced to open up to others to save the global economy in distress .

Thus was born the G20 grouping, in addition to the G8, the so-called emerging countries, paradoxically still regarded as developing countries. The control center of the world is moving. Large cracks in the euro zone economies are not a prelude. All analysts agree that the world today is not the same as before 2008. Indeed, the 2008 financial crisis has recreated other actors such as China, India, Brazil, South Korea, etc. Thanks to them, one recognizes that the world economy was finally able to get out of the depression created by the financial crisis of that year.

On the international scene, which embodied the West, there is a time rigor and orthodoxy is no longer the sole mentor. The West has totally lost its credibility and omnipotence. As proof, the financial market, on which it has always based its prosperity, has shown its limits by compromising the lead up into the abyss. It is thanks to the other, the marginalized of the system, namely the emerging, that the system could be saved in extremis.

While elsewhere the data has changed significantly, unfortunately in Africa, many people swear by international institutions modeled on neoliberalism. On this continent, all projects or development programs are, in most cases, cut on this model. As if struck with amnesia, Africa seems to ignore that the West would not be the center of the world. The gravitation is now taking place along several epicenters. Certainly, the neoliberal model was out of breath. Africa needs to notice.

What about the DRC?

What applies to Africa is also necessary to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Country with immense natural potential, the DRC is now the laughingstock of the world, this beautiful woman so highly coveted. Everyone desires her. But not everyone has the same intentions. This is the portrait that best applies to the current position of the DRC. Country in the heart of Africa - the very one that Franz Fanon predicted as trigger for the development of Africa - the DRC is truly at the center of major challenges it will face in the coming days. These issues are so huge that the country must assert real leadership for not being taken by the events.

The recurrent tensions in the east of the country suffice to prove it. All of the West and emerging markets are eager to have this beautiful woman at all costs. It is for the DRC to know just to play the game and not just fall for the guys. There is evidence now that the salvation of the DRC will not come from the West, let alone the East. In the dynamics of the re-composition of the international card, the DRC must rebuild its true identity, the one on which it will build its development. Remaining in the lagging of neoliberalism is to show lack of ideal for a nation to play a leading role in the development of Africa. Transformed into a black hole at all levels, the recovery of the future of the DRC is likely to ensure the development of an entire continent. Geostrategy at horror for the country with power vacuum, the Congolese elites have not always understood!

What the DRC needs in this time is its reconstruction and the redefining of its clear and global geopolitical vision, not to engage in predation of her gift of nature, that is to say, the resources of soil and subsoil. The intellectual Congolese elite must seize this moment, internationally, to see the lines moves so that it can reposition itself on the orbit. In that way, the country can hold on its own in the game. In other words, we need a visionary and a collective leadership, and said, based on a specific ideal.
Time to Decide

What to do? Should, as it were, be seduced by the development model advocated by the neo-liberal West? The Chinese model, since we must mention it, can serve in many respects to the DRC. But the choice to be made should not be rushed and far from an internal strategy development.

Each other and any should be put in place by the Congolese themselves. This is what the ingenuity of the makers will be put to in order not to jeopardize the future of the whole nation. The power of the DRC must be combined in proportion to the best choices in this time of planetary changes. More than ever, the vision of greatness must live within the elite against the wind blowing favorably.